A little peek at the new lights in the kitchen nook! That chandelier was a bit like going down with a sinking ship. It wasn’t meant to hang like a traditional chandelier, and what was supposed to be a quick easy fix ended up taking a lot more work. I’m sharing how I converted it to a longer chandelier in stories. Do you remember the drapes I used to have up in here? I’m trying to decide if I should leave them off, or move the shades up higher so I can hang the drapes higher. What do you think? Swipe to see the way it was before the built-in. _______________ WHERE’S IT FROM? You can get immediate source info one of three ways: ▪️Visit the link in my profile ▪️Download the free LIKEtoKNOW.it app, follow me there and easily shop my posts ▪️Screenshot this photo to get product details emailed to you via the LIKEtoKNOW.it app _______________ http://liketk.it/3cm3Z @liketoknow.it @liketoknow.it.home liketkit LTKhome