Happy Sunday!!!! I heard a good word today, and feel renewed for the week! I just want to share a little, and then I’m taking my Sunday nap lol We sometimes have these internal conversations with ourselves that’s contrary to Gods word. “Well, if I do this or that, or do it this way, that’s okay.” However, God’s word is telling you something different. We really have to believe that God’s way works! It’s all about faith! I battled with slack of faith this past week, about a situation, Because I have never seen God work that particular way in my life before. One of my best friends reminded me that “God is able!” He really is! My faith has been renewed! I’m encouraging you this week, to stop doing it your way. Do it Gods way, be still, and watch him work!!! liketkit @liketoknow.it http://liketk.it/2wW4i Shop your screenshot of this pic with the LIKEtoKNOW.it app