With Thanksgiving around the corner I’m working hard to figure out my tablescape this year. I love these water hyacinth placemats and may try and incorporate them into my Thanksgiving table. What do you have planned this year for your table? LTKholidaystyle thanksgivingtable You can instantly shop my looks by following me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app @liketoknow.it http://liketk.it/2yiS9 liketkit


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Water Hyacinth Round Placemat, Each | Pottery Barn (US)
Belgian Flax Linen Sheer Curtain, Dusty Blush, 48""x84"" | West Elm (US)
Darlana Lantern Pendant Light (Gilded Iron/Medium) - OPEN BOX by Visual Comfort | YLiving
PB Essential Drape Rod, Extra-Large, Cast Iron Finish | Pottery Barn (US)
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