Remember my attic???? I think one of the worst parts about this injury is that I will not be spending much time up here at all over the next few months 😩😩 The stairs to get up here are extremely steep and I just don’t want to chance further injury. Last Christmas, we celebrated the morning with family right here... it was a magical morning. ✨✨ I have already come to the realization that Christmas is going to be very different for my lil’fam jam this year with this injury. I am not sure if I will even have a tree up here this year but when you have the most amazing hubby, caring friends and best biz partner ever, it makes this process a bit easier. Tomorrow, @white.farmhouse is going to come in and help me get a bit more in the Christmas spirit around here. She went Christmas tree hunting this weekend and cut a bunch for me as well!! Now that is a wonderful friend, am I right?!!!!! 🥰🌲 So watch and see how my house gets decorated this year as it will be a joint effort by some wonderful and talented folks!!❤️ Follow me on the shopping app to get the product details for this space and my whole house. . . christmasdecor atticspace shiplap liketkit christmastree farmhousechristmas whitechristmas frenchcountrystyle hyggechristmas christmashygge mybhghome mybhg bhgstylemaker myjossfind