Time for our annual road trip to Disney World! I’ll be recapping here but plan to do a big blog post about it, too, as this is our 3rd year doing it & hopefully we’ve learned enough to share 😊 Day 1: Philadelphia -> The Umstead, Cary, NC We packed the car the car after breakfast & were on the road by 9:30am! We did hit some traffic in a few spots so it took us closer to 9 hours rather than the 7 it should have. We stopped for lunch in VA (pre-made pb&j’s) & maybe only once more & got to the Umstead around 5:30. It feels really nice to have a destination after such a long drive & we love it there (this was our 3rd stay!). We ate dinner outside on their beautiful veranda & then went back to our room where we ordered dessert & lounged in bed before enjoying a very comfortable night’s sleep 💤 LTKfamily LTKSeasonal LTKtravel