I added curtains to Jackie’s bed and took off the gate! We have been practicing staying in bed with Jackie for weeks, opening the gate at night after she falls asleep so she can come get us in the mornings. We weren’t 100% sure we needed the curtains but after the first night of going to sleep with the gate open and Jackie hiding under her covers until she fell asleep, we talked to her and came to the conclusion that the curtains would help. She can come and go as she pleases but also feels enclosed and safe! You can shop the items I used and the accessories for Jackie’s bed here http://liketk.it/3iiUm or in the @liketoknow.it app by following @breezingthrough or by clicking on the shop tab on my blog! . . . . . . . autism autismawareness autismacceptance asd autismparents autismmom autismparenting ilovesomeonewithautism autismlove autismlife specialneeds specialneedsparenting autismunderstanding differentnotless autismquotes JackieAnne chattanoogablogger tennesseeblogger liketkit diy diyblogger womenwhodiy woodworking