*cheers to eating REAL FOOD! ✨ SansMealBarPartner - these meal bars are perfect for on-the-go fuel! ✨ this box has two flavors: mint cacao and peanut butter cacao (there’s one missing from the box because i tried it the other day😋) ✨ shop these bars on my LTK shop: banannie or on my amazon storefront: the banannie diaries @sansmealbar @stackinfluence sansmealbar sansmealbarpartner TheBanannieDiaries TheBanannieDiariesByAnnie snacks onthegosnack mintcacao peanutbuttercacao datesfruit datebars mealbars onthegofood realingredients founditonamazon *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat cure, or prevent any disease.