🦓 If there were various tiers of organizing, putting together this baby nursery would definitely be in the top. Tiny shoes, impossibly small onesies, diapers the size of the palm of your hand. Just the best. 🍼 The sheer amount of STUFF tiny humans come with can be incredibly overwhelming. I remember being days away from giving birth and holding back tears trying to fit all the onesies and sleep sacks in a drawer. Then bawling about not knowing what half of the stuff was even FOR. 😂 I can laugh about it now, but in the moment it was NOT funny. 👶🏻Whether you’re an expectant parent, or you’re looking to give new parents something unique, consider the gift of organization. They can spend less time folding (and possibly crying lol) and more time resting up to meet their precious little one. LTKbaby LTKhome LTKbump