How old were your kids when you started chores with them? What chores do your kiddos have? . I’m thinking of starting a simple little chore chart with Dominic 🤔 Maybe clean up his toys, help to clear his plate, help to match his socks??? I know I can put ‘make your bed’ on the chore chart because he can pretty much make his bed by himself. @beddys bedding makes it so easy for him to do and he’s always so proud when he does it! Use code ARATARI for 15% off! . . . . . . . liketkit LTKfamily LTKkids LTKhome rochesterblogger nyblogger buffaloblogger kidsroom toddlerbedroom bigboyroom carbed behrcrackedpepper behrweatheredwhite motherhoodalive motherhoodrising stopdropandmom acupofmotherhood honestmotherhood chores motherhooduprising motherhoodismagic