Hey Ric Rac Cactus, welcome to the family! I hope you’ll be happy here 🌿🤞🏼 I got this new plant and I’m real excited about it. I have to find it a good planter, but for now let’s examine it’s beauty. Before buying a plant, I like to research it a bit to see what kind of lighting and watering it likes. All my research has said these are pretty easy to care for. They like bright but indirect light. It’s natural habitat is the rainforest, under the canopy, so it’s not a typical cactus needing lots of bright direct light. Seems to be good for an indoor plant so I will keep you posted! Do you have a ric rac cactus or would you want one?! ricraccactus cactus plantmom plantlady plantparent plantsofinstagram swisscheesevine hoya philodendron billyballs shelfdecor shelfstyling rochesterblogger nyblogger LTKhome LTKstyletip LTKunder50