We got some new artwork for Dominic’s room from @photowall_sweden and it’s amazing! It fills this wall so perfectly. I love the vintage and whimsical vibes. Dominic loves pointing out the different animals, planes, and hot air balloons. It’s fun and can be educational soooo win, win 👏🏼👏🏼 This is the 59” x 39” size, it comes with the frame, string, and nail! Use code lindsayaratari25 for 25% off their site! (ad) . Head to my blog for all the decor and artwork we have in Dominic’s room. Also sharing some fun plans we have for his space! Link is in my bio or check stories for a swipe up! . Do your kids have a themed bedroom? Dominic’s is kind of all over the place with his car bed, animals, and fun patterns! . . . . . http://liketk.it/2XJjW liketkit @liketoknow.it LTKfamily LTKkids LTKhome rochesterblogger buffaloblogger nyblogger kidsroom bigboybed carbed toddlerroom currentdesignsituation midcenturymodern kidsroomideas