My tried & true baby must haves My biggest piece of advice, especially for first time moms - meal prep as much as possible. Meals are by far the hardest part of having a newborn. When people ask how they can help, tell them to bring a meal. Everyone is there for you the first few weeks; freeze as many meals as you possibly can for those “emergency meals” you are going to need. I can not emphasize this enough - stock up on burp cloths & bibs! I have them literally all around the house within reaching distance those first few months. You will be living in loungewear so find some comfy sets & own it. I did another posting on my favs I’ve been living in. Something I learned the hard way - do not buy a bunch of newborn sizing. My babies were 9lbs 2oz, 7lbs 11oz & 8lbs 10oz. We barely got a chance to wear any of our NB outfits (especially with my first & I had stocked up alottt not knowing). Give yourself grace - you just brought precious life into this world. As hard as the newborn stage is it is just a season, & believe it or not, you will miss these days & those newborn snuggles. Find a few good shows & enjoy every minute of those newborn days ❤️ LTKBaby LTKBump LTKFamily