My Easter Basket recommendations! The beautiful @potterybarn & @ballarddesigns baskets & liners pairs perfectly with The Bow Next Door Easter Bows I carry in the shop! (The pink bow basket with the new TBND Pink Trellis Bows - oh my word! 😍) Also linked a few basket goodie recommendations - I just can’t resist Peter Rabbit 🐰 Tip - every year since the girls were toddlers we do a Butterfly Garden as our Easter tradition & they LOVE it. We use the butterflies as a way to visually explain Jesus’ crucifixion & resurrection ⛪️ highly recommend! Ballard Designs | Pottery Barn | Pottery Barn Kids | Easter | Easter baskets | Petite Plume | TBBC | Beaufort Bonnet Company | Seasonal | Easter pajamas @petiteplume @thebeaufortbonnetcompany LTKKids LTKSeasonal LTKGiftGuide