So happy to have these boxes set up for my boys, check out my reels on Insta or my Tik Tok to organize with me to make some kid’s memory boxes! A memory box is a great way to stay on top of paper clutter. Stop the struggle with the stacks of craft projects, achievements, keepsakes, and medical records. I’ve linked everything I used in this project on my Amazon storefront under “Kids: Organization” and in LTK! organizewithme kidsmemorybox memorybox keepsakebox organizing kidsfilebox filebox averytabs averylabels fileboxes silhouette cameosilhouette vinyllabels vinyllabel thecontainerstore amazonbasics hangingfiles kidsartwork artsandcrafts ltkkids ltkfamily #momlife momhacks momorganization organizedkids kidorganization momorganization organized letsgetorganized backtoschool LTKkids LTKfamily LTKbaby