▫️ Henry’s Closet Storage ▫️ I copied the same system I use in Charlie’s closet because it works so well for us, why change what works, right? I keep the baby book up top and update it every month so I don’t forget all of the things we want to remember. The little basket on top stores all of the baby sunglasses. 😎 The bin labels are easy to change out as baby’s needs evolve, but for right now, this works great! closet closets closetorganization organizedcloset cubestorage cubeorganizer cubeorganization labels label nurseryorganization nurseryorganisation babyboy boynursery momlife sahm ltkhome liketki ltkbaby ltkkids organizedwithkids gettingorganized momorganization organizedmom organizedmoms wipes labelmaker labelmakers labelmakerfun labelmakerlove labelmakeraddict http://liketk.it/3hF4b liketkit @liketoknow.it LTKkids LTKfamily LTKbaby @liketoknow.it.family @liketoknow.it.home