🤍 Memory Boxes 🤍 I’ve been a busy bee these last few months making lots of memory boxes. I have had so much fun making them and thinking about all of the mamas that will feel a little more organized when all of their kid’s special crafts, keepsakes and more are filed in to each folder. Check out the link in my bio for more details on ordering and feel free to message me with questions! I’ve also linked everything I used to make this box in my profile under LTK. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• memorybox memoryboxes keepsakebox keepsakeboxes filebox filefolders amazonbasics markerfelt averylabels avery fileboxes hangingfiles keepsakes keepsake sahm momlife boymom cricutjoy cricutjoyprojects cricutjoycraft vinylname sidehustle toddlermom toddlermomlife kidsmemorybox organized organizing letsgetorganized momhacks organizedmama LTKfamily LTKkids LTKbaby