✨Kitchen Activity Basket✨ This diaper caddy is a great way to organize activities for kids. I keep it in the kitchen where we do most of our preschool activities. Check out my Reels for a closer look at what I put in our caddy this month. We love Usborne books and use the sticker books, wipe clean activity books and Magic Painting books the most. Products shown are linked in my bio under LTK. For Usborne books, there is an Usborne link in my bio as well. Feel free to comment below if you need help finding anything. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• diapercaddy usborne usbornebooks usbornebook ubam preschoolactivities preschoolathome homeschoolpreschool preschoolcrafts toddlermom momlife sahm homeschoolmom homeschool activitybooks activities activitiesforkids kidsactivities toddleractivities targetfinds stickerbooks wipeclean wipecleanbook halloween october happyhalloween halloweenactivities halloweenactivitiesforkids boo caddy LTKkids LTKSeasonal LTKHalloween