I’ve partnered with @theduckbrand to share 3 ways that I keep my kitchen cabinets organized so that I have a clean and simple space to enjoy cooking for my family. 1. Use a high quality shelf liner, I love the Duck Brands Easy Liner. 2. Use shelf racks to gain more space in your cabinets. 3. Declutter often and only keep what you need and use. Check out my Reels for a closer look at my kitchen cabinet organization. I could only show a few of my cabinets and drawers in this short video, but comment below which one you want to see a closer look at next and I’ll post more soon! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DuckBrand DuckTape Sponsored TidyUpWithDuck kitchenorganization organizedkitchen kitchen kitchencabinets cabinetorganization organizedcabinets whitecabinets whitekitchencabinets organizedkitchencabinets shelfliner shelfliners declutteredkitchen declutter simplekitchen underthesink whitedishes organizewithme organizingtips cookforyourfamily learningtower learningtowers kitchencabinetorganization organizedkitchencabinets organizewithme kitchentable kitchencounters LTKfamily LTKhome