We got a Nugget and all 4 of us have been having so much fun with it! After a fun play date with @laurcarnow we loved theirs so much and decided we wanted one too! Every night since we’ve gotten it I’ve been setting it up in a different way for them to wake up to. This morning it was a “pumpkin patch” tent with some fun fall books to read! We actually had gotten in to save as a Christmas present for the boys but then read that it needs to be unboxed quickly after it’s received since it’s squished for shipping. So then we were like “oh darn, we have to play with it now!” 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 Needless to say we’re pretty excited to be enjoying it already! The “You’re My Little” books are one of my favorite book series, I think we have all of them because they’re so cute! 🤍 I linked them all in my Amazon storefront under “Kids: Books & Puzzles.” I linked the pumpkins in LTK, they are a Target Bullseye spot find but you can get them in a set online! ⛺️ 📚 ⛺️📚⛺️📚⛺️📚⛺️📚⛺️ nuggetcomfort thenugget nugget nuggettent tent playroom playroomideas playroominspo playroominspiration mapleandlark fallbooks kidsbooks youremylittlepumpkinpie youremylittlebooks pumpkin pumpkins targetbullseye targetbullseyesplayground targetfinds playroomfun momlife playdate play playtime boymom sahm kids nuggetfun nuggetcreations nuggetcouch LTKSeasonal LTKkids LTKbaby


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Paid links
Polka Dot Plush Area Rug - Pillowfort™ | Target
You're My Little Pumpkin Pie | Amazon (US)
10ct Multi Velvet & Cord Pumpkins - Bullseye's Playground™ | Target
5ct Large Velvet & Cord Pumpkins - Bullseye's Playground™ | Target
Duck & Goose, Find a Pumpkin | Amazon (US)
Nature Stories: Little Acorn: Padded Board Book | Amazon (US)
Nature Stories: Little Pumpkin: Padded Board Book | Amazon (US)
Biscuit Visits the Pumpkin Patch | Amazon (US)
Nature Stories: Little Sunflower: Padded Board Book | Amazon (US)
You're My Little Sunshine | Amazon (US)
You're My Little Snuggle Bear

Board book – Illustrated, September 8, 2020 | Amazon (US)
You're My Little Bookworm

Board book – June 29, 2021 | Amazon (US)
You're My Little Snuggle Bear | Amazon (US)
You're My Little Lucky Charm | Amazon (US)
You're My Little Firecracker | Amazon (US)
You're My Little Cuddle Bug | Amazon (US)
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