This rotating organizer is my new favorite Amazon find! Swipe to see 5 different ways you can use this organizer in different areas of your home for: ▪️Craft Supplies ▪️Sensory Bin Supplies ▪️Bathroom Organization ▪️Office Supplies ▪️Small Toys Check out my Tik Tok for a closer look and let me know how you would use this in your home! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lazysusan lazysusans homeorganization organizedhome officeorganization organizedoffice playroomorganization organizedplayroom bathroomorganization organizedbathroom toyorganization organizedtoys safariltd safariltdtoobs safariltdtoob amazonfavorites amazonfinds turntable sensorybin crayola gluestick craftsupplies craftsupplyorganization organizedcraftroom organizedcrafts organizationideas teacherorganization homeoffice homeofficeorganization targetdollarspotfinds LTKfamily LTKkids LTKbaby