🤍 Kid’s Memory Boxes 🤍 This font on the memory boxes I’ve made has been a hit and I’m so glad y’all love it! If you’re local to Dallas/Fort Worth, I can make you a fully assembled box. If you aren’t local, I do ship DIY kits with the vinyl name decal and printed folder labels for you to assemble the box yourself. These boxes are so helpful to organize all of the projects your kiddos bring home from school, keepsakes, medical records and more. Check out the link in my bio for the memory box order form, I’ve also linked the supplies I use to make these boxes in LTK! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• organizewithme kidsmemorybox memorybox keepsakebox organizing kidsfilebox filebox averytabs averylabels fileboxes silhouette cameosilhouette vinyllabels vinyllabel thecontainerstore amazonbasics hangingfiles kidsartwork artsandcrafts momlife momhacks momorganization organizedkids kidorganization organized letsgetorganized momorganization paperorganization homeorganization organizedhome lifewithkids LTKbaby LTKfamily LTKkids