I’ve partnered with Duck Brands to share 3 ways to use wall hooks to organize your playroom. I used 6 EasyMounts Drywall Hooks to organize a fun little nook in our playroom. These hooks include everything you need to install them and are so easy to use! There are endless ways to use these hooks, but here are the 3 ways I would use them in our playroom: 1. Superhero Capes & Masks 2. Colorful Play Silks 3. Pretend Play Costumes My boys were so excited to see these fun things hanging at their height for easy access to play with. Check out my Reels for a closer look at the project and let me know how you would use the hooks in your home. I’ve linked all of the products shown in my Amazon storefront and in LTK! duckbrand ducktape sponsored tidyupwithduck •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• playroom playroomideas playroominspo playroomorganization playroomstorage playroominspiration organizedplayroom wallhooks playsilks superhero superheroes superherocape playsilk pretendplay pretendplaycostumes costumes costume melissaanddoug etsyfinds amazonfinds momlife boymom toddlermom playarea playrooms kidsplayroom LTKfamily LTKbaby LTKkids