Playroom Bookshelf Organization✨ I love this area of our playroom, its functional for all of the activity supplies I need to organize and pretty 🤩 as well! Check out my TikTok or Instagram Reels for a closer look 👀 at the shelves. The furniture is from IKEA and I linked everything else I could in my Amazon Storefromt and on LTK! Feel free to message me if you can’t find something. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ikea ikeafurniture ikeaplayroom ikeabookshelf ikeabookcase playroom playroomorganization organizedplayroom whitebookshelf tvstand bookshelf bookshelfie bookshelfdecor bookshelfstyling bookshelftour bookshelforganization kidsbookshelf kidsbooks organization homeorganization organizationideas organizedhome toyorganization organizedtoys organizationgoals organizinggoals shelforganization organizedshelves bookledge bookledges LTKkids LTKbaby LTKhome