We’ve been flying through totes of kid’s clothes the last 9 months as Henry grows too fast. I’ve learned to separate all of the holiday specific clothing out in to its own bin because otherwise it’s hard to find through the different sizes. Clothing may still work even if it’s not the exact size they are wearing at the time. This bin has holiday pjs and outfits plus Halloween costumes. All of the other clothing bins we have are just separated by size. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• labelmaker labelmakers storagebin storagebins organized organizing homeorganization organizedhome organizingtips momlife kidsclothes kidsclothesorganization clothesorganization clothes kidsclothes holidayclothes handmedown handmedowns handmedown brothers sterilite closetorganization organizedcloset closet closets organizinghacks organizingideas homeorganizing organizingkids organizedkids holidayclothes holodayclothes holidayclothing LTKkids LTKbaby LTKhome