I finished the first batch of memory box orders for local pickup, if you’re in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and interested in ordering a memory box - reach out to me and I will send you a link to order. I love knowing that these boxes will help other families feel a little more organized! 🤍 It was so fun to see all of the folder color and font combinations come together! Swipe to see a couple examples of different color and font options. I will share more examples soon, some were gifts so I have to keep them secret. 🤫🤍 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• organizewithme kidsmemorybox memorybox keepsakebox organizing kidsfilebox filebox averytabs averylabels fileboxes silhouette cameosilhouette vinyllabels vinyllabel thecontainerstore amazonbasics hangingfiles kidsartwork artsandcrafts ltkkids letsgetorganized momlife momhacks momorganization organizedkids kidorganization momorganization organized cricutjoy backtoschool organizedmama LTKfamily LTKkids LTKbaby