🤍Kid’s Activity Cabinet🤍 As a stay at home mom to two toddlers, my house has been taken over by kid stuff. We have an awesome playroom and keep very few toys downstairs, but there are lots of activities that we do like to do downstairs so I’ve gotten pretty creative with storing all the things and keeping my home looking the way I want it to. Check out my Reels for a closer look at how I organize this cabinet in our living room with activities for the kids. I’ve linked what I could in my profile under LTK but feel free to comment if you can’t find something. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• livingroom refinishedfurniture livingroomdecor storagecabinet kidsactivity toddleractivities homedecor storagecontainer storagecontainers organization homeorganization organizedhome sahm sahmlife momlife coloringbooks coloringbook blanketladder targetdollarspot targetbullseye labelmaker labelmakers storage lifewithkids coloring activities activity activitybook stickerbook stickerbooks LTKfamily LTKhome LTKkids