✨Custom Baby Gates ✨ Every time I’ve shown these gates in my stories I get so many questions about them. When we first baby proofed, we tried 2-3 different store bought gates that ended up not working with our stairs and were quite unsafe. We eventually went the custom route at the top and bottom of our stairs. I had seen this style of custom gate at my friend’s house, and loved them. Thank you @laurencarnow ! 🙌🏻 We used a local contractor and love the way they look compared to the others we’ve tried. Check out my Reels for a closer look at the gates and for a silly video about “5 Things In My Home With A 1 & 2 Year Old That Just Make Sense!” I’ve linked what I could in my Amazon storefront and in LTK! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ babygate babygates babygateseverywhere babyproof babyproofing babyproofeverything babyproofingtime momlife sahmlife baby toddler toddlerlife boymom boymama sahm custombabygate custombabygates raisingbabies stairs stairsafety stair custom localcontractor banister spindle spindles home twostory twostoryhouse twostoryhome LTKbaby LTKhome LTKkids