❄️Winter Morning Box❄️ Cold winter mornings mean lots of stories and activities by the fire. 🔥 📖 Charlie has always been very interested in learning about the seasons and the changes we see outside through the year, so I gathered all of our books about winter to read this month. The pipe cleaner snowflakes are for a Magic Playbook activity, Playdough, and a snowball toss game too. My sister got the boys crayons with the letters of their name for Christmas and they are so cute! I linked everything I could in my profile under my Amazon storefront and LTK! ❄️☃️❄️☃️❄️☃️❄️☃️❄️☃️❄️☃️ morningbox morningbasket preschoolactivities preschoolathome homeschoolpreschool storytime wintertimefun winter winterfun preschoolplay sahm sahmlife organizedmom morningroutine sahmlifestyle momlife toddlermom preschoolideas preschoolcrafts magicplaybook kidsbooks picturebooks readingwithkids usbornebooks winterbooks wintervibes storiesbythefire playdough snowballs snowball LTKfamily LTKkids LTKhome