✨IKEA Armoire as a Nursery Closet✨ This IKEA Brimnes wardrobe worked great as a nursery closet for our 3rd baby. We ran out of bedrooms and closed in a nook off of our playroom to be her nursery. Since it didn’t have a closet, we are using this wardrobe instead. Here’s a look at how I have it organized so far. Products shown are linked in my Amazon storefront and LTK. nursery nurseryorganization organizednursery girlroom ikeafurniture ikea ikeabrimnes armoire ikeawardrobe ikeanursery 3rdbaby closetorganization organizedcloset nurserycloset nurseryideas girlmom memorybox pink pinknursery homeorganization organizedhome ikeahome ikeacloset ikeaideas ikeakids ikeababy brimnes bookwall whitefurniture nurserystorage LTKKids LTKHome LTKBaby