Life has been a big adjustment with two littles 👶🏼🧒🏼 at home, this week I tried a new routine where I put together some “busy boxes” for Monday-Friday to pull out for Charlie when I’m in a pinch while I’m nursing the baby or trying to get some chores done. Henry is 4 months old now and Charlie turned 2 in March and it’s hard to have a great routine those first few months. It’s only been a week but I’ve had SO much fun scouring Pinterest for fun themes to do with dyed rice, oatmeal and water beads .. and today when Charlie saw the box he clapped his hands and said “yay!” which made me so happy. 🥰 I am not sure how often I will switch up the boxes but I know I can reuse the prior weeks if I am too busy or tired, and I can switch them up based on the seasons or holidays and what he is interested in as well. Let me know if y’all like to see these types of posts, I can always share what we come up with! Swipe to see some of the fun activities we did this week as well as the labeled busy boxes I made. Check out my reels for a fun video showing them as well! I’ve linked everything I can in my Amazon Storefront and on Like To Know It! elmo sesamestreet rainbow rainbowrice dyedrice sensorybin sensorybins learningresources learning busyboxes toddlerbusyboxes busybins sensoryplay cookiemonster outerspace dyedpasta busytoddler pouringwater labeledbins twotwoandunder 2twoandunder toddler toddlers entertainingtoddlers momlife sahm postpartumprep waterbeads waterbeadssensoryplay sensorybeads liketkit LTKfamily LTKkids LTKbaby