✨Water Bead Organization✨ I am sure it’s obvious at this point that I’m a little extra when it comes to organizing everything, I can’t help it. 😂🙈 Charlie loves sensory bins and I love making them for him, it’s a fun creative outlet for me to work with different themes and colors and I know that fun and sensory experiences are really important for Charlie. This organizer separates the different colors so I can access them easily. The organizer and water beads are linked in my Amazon storefront and in LTK. 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 waterbeads waterbeadssensoryplay waterbeadsarethebomb waterbeadsplay orbeez sensoryplay sensorybin sensorytable sensorybins sensoryactivity sensoryplayideas organizer amazonfinds organization homeorganization organizedhome playroomorganization organizedplayroom momlife sahm toddleractivities sensorybinsupplies flisattable flisattableplay flisatfun flisatikea flisattablefun ikeaflisat sensoryplaytime amazonorganizers LTKfamily LTKkids LTKbaby