🌸Springtime Prints🌸 Hand & foot print keepsakes are my favorite, I found the cutest printables to capture your little one’s prints in the sweetest way! I made a set for myself and for all of the grandparents because I know that they will love them too. 🤍 Check out my Reels for a closer look at making these. I’ve linked the printables and the products used in my bio under LTK! 🌸🥕🌸🥕🌸🥕🌸🥕🌸🥕🌸🥕 handprint handprintcrafts handprintcraft handprintcraftsforkids printitoff footprint footprintcrafts footprintcraft footprintcraftsforkids craftsforkids springcrafts eastercrafts eastercraftsforkids carrots flower carrots flowers etsy etsyfinds crayola crayolapaint crayolawashablepaint lookwhatimade toddlermom momlife sahm grandparentgifts grandparentgift laminating happyeaster springtime Easter LTKkids LTKSeasonal