🤍Sensory Bin Fillers🤍 Here’s how I store the sensory bin fillers I use for activities with my two little ones. I have the @ikea Kallax shelf in my office closet where the boys don’t go without me, so they can’t get in to everything and make a mess. I use sensory bins a lot to entertain the kids and being able to use and reuse sensory bin fillers is very helpful, these fillers will last for years as long as they are kept dry. What is your little one’s favorite sensory bin filler? Charlie loves rice, I think it’s the sound it makes as he scoops and pours it. I’ve linked the products shown in my bio under LTK. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ikea ikeafurniture ikeakallax kallax cubestorage kallaxikea sensoryplay sensory sensorybin sensoryactivity sensoryplayideas organized organization ikeaflisat flisattable flisattableplay flisattablefun flisatfun trofast sensorybinfiller rice beans pasta oats homeschoolpreschool preschoolathome rainbowrice toddlermom sahm toddleractivities LTKfamily LTKkids LTKhome