I’m pretending tomorrow is our first day of preschool at home because I love a good reason to celebrate! 🍎🎉 I started preschool at home with Charlie a couple of months ago and it’s been going so well. Both boys will be home with me this fall and I am so excited for this time that we will have together! 🤍 I used my @cricut Joy to add the boys’ names to the white caddy’s from the @target dollar section. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• preschool preschoolathome homeschoolpreschool homeschoolmom homeschool ikeaflisat flisattable flisat flisatfun ikeaplayroom targetdollarspot targetbullseye bullseyesplayground cricutjoy cricutjoyprojects cricutjoycraft toddlermom sahm sahmlife backtoschool bts caddy targetdollarspotfinds bullseyeplayground targetfinds dollartreefinds dollartree momlife boymom ikeafinds LTKfamily LTKkids LTKBacktoSchool