✨How To Keep Your Drawer Organizers In Place✨ Easy Liner and Nano Grab is the perfect combo for keeping your drawer organizers in place. You can use these drawer organizers, Easy Liner, and Nano grab anywhere in your home that you need to get organized. Where would you use them? Thank you @theduckbrand for partnering with me on this project. DuckBrand DuckTape Sponsored TidyUpWithDuck ad ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ bathroomorganization organizedbathroom makeupdrawer makeuporganization drawerorganization organizeddrawers drawerorganizers organizedhome homeorganization shelfliner shelfliners nanograb easyliner homehacks homehack organizewithme organizing organizingtips organizingideas organizinghacks bathroom organizedliving organizedlife alifemoreorganized amazonfavorites LTKbeauty LTKfamily LTKhome