Have y’all ever used one of these? Cody has been asking me to keep butter on the counter so it would be softer and easier to spread than straight out of the fridge. I got this Butter Bell years ago and have never used it! Every time I declutter I decide to keep it so I am glad to finally put it to use with my new bread making hobby! Maybe this is something everyone already uses but I thought it was so nifty! There is a small amount of water at the base that provides an airtight seal for the butter for freshness and flavor. 👌🏼I’ve linked a few of these in my Amazon storefront under the “Kitchen” section and in LTK! 🧈 🍞🧈🍞🧈🍞🧈🍞🧈🍞🧈🍞🧈🍞🧈 breadmaker breadmaking butter breadandbutter butterbell bread breadmaker breadbaker bakingbread kitchen kitchengadgets kitchencounter kitchenfavorites kitchencounters butterbellcrock butterbellcrocks crock crocks kitchencrocks foodstorage foodstoragetips foodstoragecontainer butterstorage LTKfamily LTKhome