Organizing my garage junk drawer ✨ This is where I keep my @elgin_usa Maverick Flashlights and my Elgin Rumble Headphones. The Elgin Maverick rechargeable flashlight is a must-have and has become our favorite around the house. I have one in my catch-all/junk drawer in my kitchen, too! The Elgin Maverick has five power modes to customize the brightness you need in your home or workspace. It has a rechargeable battery with a magnetic charging station and comes with a zippered pouch. Later this summer/early fall, I have some really loud DIY projects coming up. I will be so happy to have the Elgin Rumble Headphones. They have a 27 dB noise reduction rating and allow you to listen to your favorite playlist or podcast while you work! No more sacrificing my sanity to wear earplugs while I work and missing out on music—now, I get to experience both. If you have drawers in your garage, take some time to tackle them this summer. You’ll be glad you did. aclassyfashionista AmplifyYourOutput ElginUSA garage garagegoals garageorganization garageorganizing garagedrawers garagestorage LTKHome