Gals, if even your pale girl here can master the fake tan game, SO can you. I recently graduated to the dark mousse and feel beach ready! I recommend the medium until you get comfortable with the process ☀️
Here are my favorite✨TIPS✨below:
☀️ Exfoliate and exfoliate AGAIN before applying.
☀️ Use lotion on hands, knees and elbows before AND after applying mousse.
☀️ More is more. Better to go over a spot twice than miss a spot!
☀️ Tools MATTER. A good exfoliating brush/glove and microfiber applicators make or break ya!
☀️Use a large king sheet folded in half inside your bed on tanning nights to protect your sheets, and wear a loose cotton dress.
☀️ Moisturize with a gradual tan lotion or any good, creamy lotion every day!
Are you a sun-lover? Do you self-tan or let nature do it for you? ☀️
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