“Style is very personal it has nothing to do with fashion, Fashion is over quickly, style is forever.” -Ralph Lauren . . 10 questions for designing your personal style 💭👜👗👠👢👚👖🧥🌂🕶👝🧢👟🎒💭 1. What do I feel comfortable/confident in during the week? 2. What do I feel comfortable/confident in for nights out/weekends? 3. When I go shopping what do I gravitate towards? 4. What 4 pieces have I worn the most in the past month? 5. What 4 piece have I not worn AT ALL in the past year? 6. What is one trend I’ve seen recently that I love? 7. What trends to I not love or feel confident/comfortable in? 8. What pieces of outfits do I get the most compliments on? 9. What are some inspiration pieces I haven’t given a try? 10. What adjectives describe my style and really resonate with me . . “Style is a deeply personal expression of who you are, and every time you dress, you are asserting a part of yourself.” -Nina Garcia . . . Your outfit will introduce you to someone before you even speak. Having your own personal style can be a great tool to empower you, help you move through the world, and help communicate your individuality. 💪🏽🌎📢What is your style saying about you? http://liketk.it/2MLOY liketkit @liketoknow.it LTKunder50 LTKunder100 LTKstyletip