Want to know something crazy?!?! All my gorgeous white and gold small appliances are from @Walmart. 😱😍 The first time my BIL saw them he thought they were super high end and custom made with a B on them for my maiden name walmartpartner 🤣 His face was priceless when I said Walmart. I just can’t get over the aesthetic look and amazing price point. Plus the quality is INCREDIBLE! I’m not one to keep appliances on my countertop, but these are so pretty you 100% can. No matter what style you prefer they have a perfect color option for you. You can buy them to all match like I did or have fun and mix up your colors. Want to try them out for yourself? Shop everything pictured and more below! beautifulkitchen whitekitchen walmarthome beautifulkitchenappliances affordablekitchen tilvacuumdouspart classyandaffordable beautifulcrockpot beautifulbydrew beautifulbydrewbarrymore LTKGiftGuide LTKfindsunder50 LTKsalealert