Need a priceless but inexpensive gift for grandparents? Try this! ⭐Be sure to save this post!⭐ I’ll guide you step-by-step with these directions: 1. Get a box large enough for baby to fit in (Put those amazon boxes to use!). 2. Set up a phone tripod. 3. Take lots of photos. 4. Rotate baby to create a variety of poses. 5. Download the “LiveCollage” app or your favorite photo editing/collage-making app. 6. Select a layout for 9 vertical photos. 7. Rotate and crop photos as needed. 8. Swap photos to create a visually appealing grid. 9. Save to photos. 10. Get a frame that fits a 5x7 photo. 11. Print your photo in a 5x7 size. 12. You’re done! You’ll capture those sweet smiles and facial expressions into a treasure to keep forever! lastminutediygiftidea diyphotoproject babygifts grandparentsgift christmasproject LTKHoliday LTKGiftGuide LTKBaby