Another day, another closet ✨ This client had a lot of organization product already in her home and is pretty organized. But she was finding that she couldn't see all the clothes she had, plus she just didn't have a ✨system✨ in place. She was so smart to invest in professional organizing! We often have clients who buy lots of organizing product, but then can't get their clothes or other items to fit within the product they bought. When you hire professional organizers, they only bring and leave product that fits YOU. That's the way it should be! A few things that made this closet possible (links through LTK in our bio): 🌟 Raising the top garment rod to maximize vertical space 🌟 Our tried and true favorite grey bins for a few of the client's favorite items (like scarves!) 🌟 File folding/rolling 👏🏻 @mariekondo 🌟 Two types of shoe bins WITH labels 😉 LTK LTKunder50 liketkit organization organizationgoals professionalorganizing springcleaning amazonfinds storedsimply simple closetorganizing