I seriously could not have traveled for that long without this bag. After reading and doing a lot of research about sleep training, activities and etc, these were my top choices and I can tell you that it really helped. I was scared of traveling for that long with my toddler, especially being her first time in an airplane. So I hope this helps other moms/parents like it helped me! Let me know if you would like to see other videos about what we did for her sleep training, and how we adapted things, how we kept her busy for almost a whole month out of the house and etc. screenfreebaby screenfreekids screenfree screenfreeparenting screenfreeplay baby montessori toddler montessoritoddler montessorihome montessoriactivities montessorikids montessoribaby parentingtips firstimemom firsttimeparents motherhood babymilestones toddlermilestones toddleractivities babymusthaves amazonfinds amazonbaby amazondeals travelhacks traveling travelwithkids travelwithkidstips