I hope these toys help you guys as much as it has been helping us in our screen-free journey (it ain’t easy lol). Take advantage of these prices, because from October 8th - 9th these toys are having a really good sale! And just a gentle reminder that, just because I choose not to give my kid screen, it doesn’t make you a bad mom for doing so. I have lots of personal reasons of why I don’t even have a tv in the main floor of our house. But again, those are MY reasons. You’re doing a great job mama, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise <3 - screenfreebaby screenfreekids screenfree screenfreeparenting screenfreeplay baby montessori toddler montessoritoddler montessorihome montessoriactivities montessorikids montessoribaby parentingtips firstimemom firsttimeparents motherhood babymilestones toddlermilestones toddleractivities babymusthaves amazonfinds amazonbaby amazondeals