Let’s make room for your favorite things Key to a clutter-free closet ⬇️⬇️⬇️ A decluttered, organized closet makes you feel great and you can find your things. You’re actually more likely to wear more things in your closet when it’s organized. My tips: ✨ Closets are for closet items. ❌ Don’t store non-closet items in the space. ✨ Don’t hold onto items just because you spent money on them. ❌The money is gone, and it actually causes more stress to keep things you know you won’t wear. ✨Arrange your things so you can see them ❌ Display your things and ditch the boxes ✨Open space is good ❌ Don’t crowd your things in just because you can ✨Decluttering is key ❌ You can’t but buy buy without decluttering. They go hand in hand. ✨ Mindset is key ❌ You’re more likely to keep a decluttered, organized closet when you know the benefits. You start your day in your closet and end your day in your closet. It should be a calm, peaceful organized place that feels great!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Follow @sidebysidedesigntexas for tips on how to declutter and organize your home. Comment NOW. I’ll send my declutter checklist. Comment CLEAN. I’ll send my cleaning schedule. SAVE for later 💾 SHARE with a friend ↗️ LIKE if this was helpful ❤️ decluttering homeorganization tidyhome minimalisthome cleanhome adhdbrain simplehomestyle declutteryourlife momtips houstonmoms houstonorganizer closetorganization closetgoals closetorganizer LTKWatchNow LTKHome LTKMostLoved