Tomorrow night Coleman transitions into his bedroom. 🌜 It didn’t hit me until now that this moment is here. He has been sleeping in his bassinet in our bedroom every night since we brought him home. We have shared a room with him since the moment he was along our side, and we only have one more night of that. As I’m sitting in his room I just wonder, how is he already 4 months? A quarter or a year old. Is he going to be okay in his room alone even though we are right down the hall? That hallway for some reason feels so long today. I know in my heart he is going to do great, but am I? He might not notice much of a difference, but I’m going to miss hearing his little sleepy sounds next to us in our bed. These are just the random thoughts running through my head today. Maybe it’s the rainy weather making me miss him even more, even though I know he’s going to be right down the hall. I’ve got our audio & camera ready. How many times do you think I’ll check it a night? 😝 When did your baby transition to their own room? Have they started there since the day you brought them home? LTKfamily LTKbaby LTKbump