I’ve decided to do the gratitude challenge this month. I missed yesterday’s so my post today will be a ‘two-fer’ combining health + seasons. These two topics surprisingly pair well together. Consider how health and the seasons both constantly change. Everyday the dial changes a degree or two and as a result neither are the same they were before. Temperatures and temperaments vary. Health has many facets: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, relationship, dietary. All of them require unique attention. We all experience them differently, just as we do the seasons. One person might LOVE fall. Someone else is more of a spring chick. 🐥 Same goes for health. A dude could be physically in tune, but longs to BELIEVE in something. My point is, all degrees of health resemble the seasons. Health is what moves us through life. We must actively pay attention to it. How much water we are drinking? Are we communicating the way we are feeling? Paying attention to our thought patterns? Advising what we consume, both in diet and content? Budgeting who we give our time and energy too? 🌎 We are just like Planet Earth, we shift and change as the seasons do. There will be seasons for this, seasons for that. The years will pass. We are constantly arriving and departing. Dressing up and shedding skin. Our bodies will bend and bow to accommodate what we are working on. It’s a beautiful cycle. One we must take care of ourselves in order to participate in. When we do, we keep growing into who we are. All while experiencing others do the same thing. I am so thankful for my health. I’m so thankful to constantly be learning more and more about it everyday. I’m so grateful for seasons as they each bring all kinds of emotion... some new, some old. SeasonsOfLove RealAndFulfilled 30daysofGratitude. ThankfulForHealth ThankfulForSeasons liketkit LTKtravel LTKunder100 @liketoknow.it http://liketk.it/2ZUSm LTKcurves