Quitting something you love is hard. Especially if it’s a job you feel lucky to have. For the last four years, I’ve held a position at the local TV station in my hometown. I’ve done everything from be on-air talent, sales commercials, produce promos, web stories, social media.... you name it! It’s been a dream come true to work professionally in a creative role that is well-known by my family and friends. It truly has been a success. So what do you do when it feels like the thing you love is holding you back? Like the saying goes, “nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Growth doesn’t have to be the say all end all to success. Trust me, I realize that unchecked growth can be poisonous. However, so can being stagnant. If you feel like you are heading in the wrong direction and you don’t switch routes, you will most certainly end up where you were heading. That’s how it was starting to feel for me working at my hometown TV station. There wasn’t anything wrong with that route, it just wasn’t the direction I wanted to go in. So now I’m changing directions. My last day at the tv station is 1/31. As I look ahead I see space for the unknown. I see new creative projects. I see collaborations with new artistic people and brands I believe in. I see a new chapter to my already wonderful story. Because I love this journey I’m on. Life is beautifully difficult but it’s the challenge of deciding “who to be next” that I find joy in. Remember: YOU are that thing you are looking for. Are you living as the person you were BORN to be? RealAndFulfilled Download the LIKEtoKNOW.it shopping app to shop this pic via screenshot LTKNewYear LTKcurves LTKtravel liketkit @liketoknow.it http://liketk.it/35kpG