Holiday Weekend Sales on 2 Faves ✨ … Indie Lee is doing an awesome 30% off everything - including my FAVE (and constant) cleanser. I’ve used this for probably 7-8 years now and love it, so much. The mini set for $29 is an insane deal as well and a great intro to the brand (as well as perfect for travel). … Summer Fridays lip balm is just always a yes for me. I prefer the vanilla shade and the pinks (and I see they are bringing iced coffee back if you love that shade!)… they are running a promotion this weekend that includes the lip butter in a mini, which they only do every so often. Order $75 and receive a mini set including the mini lip butter balm and 2 other faves. I’d do a few lip oils and a few butters to hit that $75, linking both here! Fave colors: Butter balm: vanilla, pink sugar Lip oil: pink cloud LTKSeasonal LTKBeauty LTKGiftGuide