Last Minute Valentine’s! ❤️💖 … this works for anyone, just customize your choices… but let’s face it, guys, I’m looking at you. Let’s keep this easy - hit Target and follow this equation (you can also do order for drive-up)!: ❤️ one clutch / crossbody / tote or makeup bag - I included some cute heart options for the right girl, but if she’s not the cutesy type, go for something classic! if makeup bag, and you’re at Target, go with anything Sonia Kashuk brand! ❤️ one lip gloss - keep it easy, make it clear or light (she’ll pick the brighter colors herself), these 3 are great ❤️ one gift card (or more!): head up to the registers (or the in-store Starbz!), they have tons there, Sephora / Target / Starbucks are a safe bet Extra credit: swing by the candy / treat aisle and add her faves Do yourself a favor and grab a gift bag on your way up to pay. If you didn’t grab the card yet, they’re there too… I’d go with some simple and go big on your written message instead. Good luck out there!!!